Thursday, September 20, 2012

{Lacking Presence...that's ME!!}

Mercy! Almost a month since my last post...I suck! Holy moly! I WILL post more often, I WILL post more often! I must start planning some posts in advance. I did say in a previous post I would like all aspects of my life ORGANIZED. I'll put that on my ever growing, 'Sure I hope I get around to this' to-do list (Sigh!). So, enough about my awesomeness and on to this FABULOUS recipe I found on Pinterest.  <----Find me on there!

I often lay in bed at night after reading and subconsciously pin 1000484950583737838 things to my boards. MOST of them being food.  Or, I have a horrible habit of being hungry and getting on to search for new food ideas and recipes. Why, why, why do I torture myself??? I realize I have a small Pinterest addiction. Hi, my name is Lauren and I have a pinning problem. The first step is admitting the problem, right?!?!  Ha! I kid, I kid!!

Anyway...I found this lovely recipe for Jalapeño Popper Chicken. It is so yummy. I LOVE heat & I LOVE Mexican food. But I DISLIKE the calories.  Like, I could eat it EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Buuuuuut, I would be a big fat fatty if I I try to resist the urge.  Trust me, it's hard.  Without further rambling, here is the recipe...adapted a little from here. Enjoy!!

Serves 2 (I doubled everything so I would have left overs for lunch)
1/2 cup panko

2 tsp. extra virgin olive oil

1.5 – 2 tsp. taco seasoning (I used the Fiesta Party dip from Tastefully Simple)
1/4 cup egg substitute
2 oz. reduced fat cream cheese (I chose the whipped kind...makes it a little easier to mix)
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese (2% or low fat)
1-2 jalapeño peppers, seeds and ribs removed, minced
2 chicken breasts

Preheat the oven to 375 and place an ovenproof rack onto a rimmed baking dish. Spray with cooking oil.
In a small skillet over medium heat, combine the panko with the olive oil. Cook, stirring often, until the panko is golden and crispy. Place in a shallow bowl or dish. To the panko, add the taco seasoning* and stir to combine.
In another shallow bowl or dish, pour your egg substitute. In a small bowl, combine the cream cheese, cheddar cheese, and jalapeños.
Using a small utility knife, cut a pocket into the side of each chicken breast, or horizontally slice the chicken through the center, until it is almost butterflied. Season the chicken lightly with salt and pepper, and then divide the cream cheese mixture evenly between each chicken breast’s pocket. Use toothpicks to secure, if necessary.
Dip the chicken pieces one at a time first into the egg substitute, and then into the panko mixture, making sure to coat the chicken completely. Place the chicken on the prepared baking rack and cook for about 25-30 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through.
Here is my finished product served with homemade pico de gallo (I'll post on that soon), and cheesy rice.  Sooooo darn good!!

Not completely sure of the calorie or WW points+ count...but I know it's much better than eating in some random Mexican joint.  At least I know exactly what is going into my body :)

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